Author: yellow51

  • Space Engineers Modding, VC Redist issue

    Greetings all,

    It appears that Microsoft has removed the download for the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012, which is required for SEUT (Space Engineers Utilities, an SE modding tool) to work properly. As such, I went digging and found that I have a copy of the VC Redist, and am going to host it for download here:

    Download Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012

    Hopefully this is just an error on Microsoft’s part, but it would appear that they may be phasing the VC Redist for VS2012 out (see images below).

    Cheers, and happy modding!

  • Tinkering & Testing with the 2D Asteroid Shooter project

    Just testing some new stuff with that 2D Asteroid Shooter project I’m working on with the custom game engine. I added some enemy AI, did performance improvements, and a few other things behind the scenes as well as some UI improvements.

  • RGB Engineers?

    I was tinkering with scripts last night for Space Engineers, and upon trying to change emissives of the block a player is looking at, I ended up finding out you can change the character’s suit emissives. This made for some interesting results, so I made it a mod.

  • Prototype of 2D Asteroid game published on!

    Greetings everyone,

    I have published a prototype of the 2D Asteroid Shooter Project that I showcased the other day on!

    It uses a custom engine I made, called Vyrex Engine. It uses C#, Avalonia and will use SharpDX in a later version once it’s stable. I might publish the code base to GitHub at some point. It’s definitely not finished nor has everything in it that I have in mind, so I’ll be doing some updates here and there to it.

    If you want to see me take this project places, consider donating (you can do so on the page for the game). Feel free to also drop a comment down below and let me know what you think I should do with the project

  • Simple welcome script

    I made a simple welcome message script today for Space Engineers. It’s available on the workshop, and also on GitHub.
    It displays a simple welcome message in chat.

  • 2D Asteroid Shooter Project

    Just a little project I was working on. It uses C#, Avalonia and SharpDX. I might publish the code base to GitHub at some point. It’s definitely not finished nor has everything in it that I have in mind, so I’ll be doing some updates here and there to it.

  • Programmable Blocks

    I decided to tinker around with programmable blocks in Space Engineers (1) today, since I’d never done so before in all the 3,269.5 hours (currently) I have in Space Engineers.

    I decided to do something relatively simple. (Yes, the feature already exists in-game without any scripts, mods, etc, as an “App > Digital Clock”.)

    Cue the Time Script. Gets system time and tells system time on an LCD. Pretty sure this has been done before, but I figured give it a whirl. It yielded a much expected, but nonetheless working result.

    I published it to the workshop and did a video showcasing it briefly. It’s also on GitHub, because why not?