- Space Engineers Modding, VC Redist issueby yellow51Greetings all, It appears that Microsoft has removed the download for the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012, which is required for SEUT (Space Engineers Utilities, an SE modding tool) to work properly.… Read more: Space Engineers Modding, VC Redist issue
- Tinkering & Testing with the 2D Asteroid Shooter projectby yellow51Just testing some new stuff with that 2D Asteroid Shooter project I’m working on with the custom game engine. I added some enemy AI, did performance improvements, and a few other things behind the… Read more: Tinkering & Testing with the 2D Asteroid Shooter project
- RGB Engineers?by yellow51I was tinkering with scripts last night for Space Engineers, and upon trying to change emissives of the block a player is looking at, I ended up finding out you can change the character’s… Read more: RGB Engineers?
- Prototype of 2D Asteroid game published on Itch.io!by yellow51Greetings everyone, I have published a prototype of the 2D Asteroid Shooter Project that I showcased the other day on itch.io! It uses a custom engine I made, called Vyrex Engine. It uses C#, Avalonia… Read more: Prototype of 2D Asteroid game published on Itch.io!
- Simple welcome scriptby yellow51I made a simple welcome message script today for Space Engineers. It’s available on the workshop, and also on GitHub. It displays a simple welcome message in chat.
- 2D Asteroid Shooter Projectby yellow51Just a little project I was working on. It uses C#, Avalonia and SharpDX. I might publish the code base to GitHub at some point. It’s definitely not finished nor has everything in it… Read more: 2D Asteroid Shooter Project
- Programmable Blocksby yellow51I decided to tinker around with programmable blocks in Space Engineers (1) today, since I’d never done so before in all the 3,269.5 hours (currently) I have in Space Engineers. I decided to do… Read more: Programmable Blocks